The THOMAS Web-Zine
January 2007 Issue 4

Seeing and Hearing

Eyes and ears, hands and feet, heart and mouth are referred to throughout 'Thomas'. If fact one of the most common phrases used by Jesus is:

He who has ears to hear let him hear   (logia 8, 24, 21, 63, 65)

We can take this to mean "listen to what I'm saying and try to understand it" or perhaps "m é tano ï a, change your knowing" This is certainly a valid interpretation, but we know by now that Jesus always wants us to go deeper. He encourages us to overcome the duality of the physical and the spiritual:

. that the male is not made male
nor the female made female;
when you make eyes into an eye,
and a hand into a hand,
and a foot into a foot,
and even an image into an image,
then shall you enter the Kingdom   (logion #22)

So these senses of the body are transformed into the senses of our spiritual being.

Our senses still exist but in a new way: we hear the Word, see the Light, feel the Love, eat the Manna, drink the Water.

To do this we need an inward stillness to quench both our mind and our Ahamkara. Then we can seek and find our Divine Centre so that we too may hear the Divine Music, see the Divine Light. This could be called prayer.

There are many reports in the NT Gospels of Jesus at prayer. In 'Thomas' there are only two references to prayer, the first being by the disciples who asked how they should pray (logion 6.3) with this startling reply:

. and if you pray
you will be condemned   (logion 14.4-5)

This suggests that Jesus had a totally different concept of prayer. Seen by the disciples, Jesus at prayer was not petitioning nor seeking intersession but in fact was in deep contemplation, in worship, absorbed into his Divine Centre, seeing and hearing the prompting of Love and Truth in his heart.

Now that's a different way of seeing and hearing!